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Supporting other clubs and events

The club will from time to time provide coaching, supervision and safety support to external clubs such as the Cubs, Scouts, Boys Brigade and Girl Guides etc.

The scope of support should be clearly documented and provided to the committee for discussion and agreement prior to the club making any formal commitment. Details to be provided should include:

  • Club name
  • Location of event
  • Proposed dates
  • Main points of contact and PCC member responsible for event coordination
  • Equipment requirements
  • Number of persons and age range
  • Requirement from PCC (number of coaches, leaders, safety, first aiders etc)
  • Expectations on PCC – training, fun paddle other...
  • Overview description and summary risk assessment
  • Fees charges and expenses to be incurred

As a guide: these activities must be self funding and not put undue pressure on club resources.

Insufficient details will mean a delay in decision making. It is advised that any requested support be planned and submitted for committee approval no less than four months in advance.

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