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Flat water skills - Hythe

  • 7 Mar 2020
  • 09:30 - 12:00
  • Royal Military Canal - Hythe
  • 2


  • Open to all members with/without paddling experience

Registration is closed

Dear Pirates

I'm going to start running skill sessions, where all members are welcome to join in and hone their skill. The aim will be to run these sessions every couple of weekends throughout the spring and well into the summer months.

The first few sessions I will be focusing on the practical application of paddle strokes; we will head up the Canal towards West Hythe and then head back to the Cafe for a hot drink.

We will meet at Green Lane, opposite the Romney Hythe & Dymchurch Light Railway station, not in the car park.

This trip is suitable for all members who can paddle in a straight line for 50m.

For those thinking of attending the Surf and White Water trips in April, this will be an excellent opportunity to get some practice in beforehand.

We should be on the water for around 2.5 hours.

Organiser: Malcolm Oates

You will need your own equipment:

 Kayak, Paddle, BA, Helmet, Spray Deck, Dry top/Cag, Dry Trousers, Wetsuit etc. 

If you don't have any, please use they hyperlink to book equipment.

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