Join us on the Royal Military Canal for a gentle peer paddle starting from Hamstreet. We will decide which direction to paddle in on the day, as it is wind dependent.
We will meet at the bridge crossing Marsh road in Hamstreet. Location found here -
If you do not have a boat, please park opposite the Garden Centre as this will free up space by the get in.
We will be on the water for around 1.5 hours, so don't forget a drink and/or snack.
This trip suits all members who can paddle in a straight line for 50m and self-rescue*.
One final note, there are no public toilets at Hamstreet, so please "GO" before you arrive. This also means that it will be alfresco changing facilities.
Organiser: Malcolm Oates
Group leaders: Malcolm Oates
If you need to borrow club kit, then please book it ASAP.
**NOTE you will need to transport it yourself to Hamstreet unless otherwise pre-arranged**
* A self-rescue is generally an Eskimo roll or swimming to the bank with your boat and paddle, retrieving it from the water and getting back in unassisted.